Antiochian House of Studies Books For the Life of the World

For the Life of the World

For the Life of the World
SKU 9780913836088
Weight 0.45 lbs


Alexander Schmemann

In For the Life of the World Alexander Schmemann suggests an approach to the world and life within it, which stems from the liturgical experience of the Orthodox Church.  He understands issues such as secularism and Christian culture from the perspective of the unbroken experience of the Church, as revealed and communicated in her worship, in her liturgy - the sacrament of the world, the sacrament of the Kingdom.

Required for Antiochian House of Studies, Unit 3
151 pages
Published 1963
size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.375”
ISBN-13: 978-0-913836-08-8
ISBN: 0-913836-08-7