Children Christina Goes to the Holy Land

Christina Goes to the Holy Land

Christina Goes to the Holy Land
SKU 10480
Weight 0.41 lbs
Market price: $15.00, Save $7.00
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Maria C. Khoury, Ed. D.

Take the journey of a life-time with Christina that every believer hopes to undertake.  “Christina Goes to the Holy Land” is a unique book created to help children live and appreciate the sacred and precious land of our Lord’s birth, life, death and resurrection by walking the footsteps of Christ our Saviour as a pilgrim.  Like all of the special books in the “Christina” series, it aims at preserving and documenting valuable traditions reflecting the treasures of faith.

32 pages
Published 2003
Size: 11.25 x 8.25”
ISBN: 0-9744953-0-1