Christmas Road Nativity Game
Christmas Road Nativity Game
Nativity Board Game for Families. Appropriate for ages 7+ for 2-6 players. Roll the dice and move your pawns across the board according the dice to arrive at the manger where Baby Jesus is.
Baby Jesus was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger. The three wise men arrived from afar bearing gifts. Now its your turn to travel to the cave and welcome the new baby and offer him your commitment to the Christian virtues as your gift. Joy and her brother Joe will be your guides. Along the way, you will have the chance to test your knowledge by answering questions on the trivia cards and have fun with surprise cards that pop up unexpectedly. The object of the game is to reach space #75 first.
In addition to the trivia cards, there are also 8 Icon cards that will be used when prompted to.
Western Rite Service Book
Icon Book
Office of the Typika
New Frontiers [s]
Heroes for Truth (S)
New Pocket Prayer Book Black Paper
New Pocket Prayer Book Red Paper
The Holy Hieromartyrs
A Life Testimony (English)
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