- 10 Copies of Little Compline and Akathist Hymn (Text Only)
- 10 Copies of The Office of Holy Unction
- Become All Flame
- Defeating Sin: Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever
- Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great (white)
- Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great (yellow)
- Fasting As A Family
- First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty-Day Journey Through the Canon of St. Andrew
- Great Lent: Journey to Pascha
- How to be a Sinner
- Lenten Lotto
- Lenten Spring
- Letters for Pilgrimage: Lenten Meditations
- Little Compline With Akathist Hymn (Text Only)
- Little Compline with the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos
- Meditations for Great Lent
- Meditations for Holy Week
- Meditations for Pascha
- My Lenten Journey
- Mystery of the Holy Light
- Pilgrimage to Pascha
- Tending the Garden Hearts: Daily Lenten Meditations For Families
- The Crucifixion of the King of Glory
- The Office of Holy Unction
- Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for All Walks of Life
- When You Fast
- When You Give
- When You Pray: A Practical Guide to an Orthodox Life of Prayer
- Sale
- 10 Copies of The Office of Holy Unction
- Altar Boys Gd to Serving Divin
- Ancient Church on New Shores P
- Antioch Incarnational Theology
- Biggest Birthday Party
- Build Your Own Church
- Build Your Own: Bishop, Priest, & Deacon
- Children's Literature
- Divine Liturgy Flip Chart
- Divine Liturgy in Arabic
- Emigration from Syria and the Syrian-Lebanese Community of Worcester, MA
- First One Hundred Years
- Forty Saints (T)
- Heroes for Truth (S)
- Icon Book
- If We Confess Our Sins
- Metropolitan PHILIP: His Life and His Dreams
- My Lenten Journey
- New Life in the Church-Student
- New Life in the Church-Teacher
- Ordained for Men in the Things of God
- Orthodox Companion
- Playing it up for Christmas
- Teaching the Parables of Jesus
- The Cross Culture Project
- The Office of Holy Unction
- Western Rite Service Book
- Antiochian House of Studies Books
- Augustine of Hippo: Selected Writings
- Augustine: A Very Short Introduction
- Church Administration 2nd Ed
- Divine Prayers and Services (Nassar)
- Dynamics of Faith in the Local Parish
- Early Latin Theology
- Evening Worship in the Orthodox Church
- For the Life of the World
- Gifts of the Desert
- God in New Testament Theology
- Hearing the Scriptures
- Holy Tradition
- How God Became Jesus
- Hymn of Entry
- Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions: The Church AD 450-680
- Lectures on the Christian Sacraments
- Light on the Mountain
- Long-Suffering Love: A Commentary on Hosea with Patristic Annotations
- Mixed Marriage: An Orthodox History
- Mystical Marriage
- On the Ecclesiastical Mystagogy
- Orthodox Christianity V II
- Orthodox Christianity V2
- Patristic and Scholastic Theology
- Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies
- Preaching the Word of God
- Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture
- Reflections on the Field of a Local Parish
- Reflections on the Kingdom God
- Rule of St Benedict in English
- Scripture Re-Envisioned
- Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship
- Service Book of the Holy Orthodox Church (Hapgood)
- Sexuality Marriage & Celi
- Six Books On the Priesthood
- Springtime of the Liturgy
- The Book of Pastoral Rule
- The Church and Social Reform
- The Deification of Man
- The Evangelical Theology
- The Foundations of Bioethics 2nd Ed.
- The Life in Christ
- The Life of St Benedict by Gregory the Great
- The Ministry of the Church
- The Organic Development of the Liturgy
- The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire
- The Orthodox Pastor: A Guide to Pastoral Theology
- The Soul After Death
- The Theology of Illness
- The Whole Counsel of God
- Thy Will Be Done
- Typikon Decoded
- Arabic Books
- Archdiocese
- 10 Archdiocesan Service Books for Priest and Deacon
- 6 Archdiocesan Service Books for Priest and Deacon
- A Life Testimony (Arabic)
- A Life Testimony (English)
- Altar Boys Gd to Serving Divin
- Ancient Church on New Shores P
- Antioch Incarnational Theology
- Antiochian Village Camp CD
- Arabic Bible with References Burgandy
- Archdiocesan Service Book for Priest and Deacon
- Biblical & Liturgical Chart
- Biggest Birthday Party
- Broken Promises and White House Meetings
- Build Your Own Church
- Build Your Own Iconostasis
- Build Your Own: Bishop, Priest, & Deacon
- Camp Service Book
- Catechism of the Christian Doctrine
- Catechism Orthodox Christian
- Children's Literature
- Christmas Road Nativity Game
- Divine Liturgy 2024 Paperback (English)
- Divine Liturgy 2024 Spiral (English & Arabic)
- Divine Liturgy Flip Chart
- Divine Liturgy in Arabic
- Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great (white)
- Divine Liturgy of St Basil the Great (yellow)
- Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom CD
- Divine Prayers and Services (Nassar)
- Earth is the Lord's
- Emigration from Syria and the Syrian-Lebanese Community of Worcester, MA
- Feed My Sheep
- First 800 Years
- First One Hundred Years
- Forty Saints (T)
- Foundations for Christian Educ
- Frontiers (Wksheet)
- Frontiers (Worksheet-Student)
- Frontiers (Worksheet-Teacher)
- Funeral Service Book
- Gifts of the Spirit
- God is Calling You
- God Is With Us
- God, My Friends, and Me (P)
- Harvest of Antioch
- Heroes for Truth (S)
- Icon Book
- Icon Coloring Book-Old Testament
- Icon Coloring Book-The Miracles
- If We Confess Our Sins
- In The Beginning-Student
- In The Beginning-Teacher
- Joy Magazine Issue 1
- Joy Magazine Issue 2
- Lenten Lotto
- Little Compline With Akathist Hymn (Text Only)
- Little Compline with the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos
- Liturgikon 4th Edition: New Printing
- Matins-Kazan
- Meet the Evangelists (Christi)
- Metropolitan PHILIP: His Life and His Dreams
- Metrpolitan Philip (ppbk)
- My Body, My Spirit
- My Lenten Journey
- New Apostles of Christ
- New Frontiers (Handout)
- New Frontiers (T)
- New Frontiers [s]
- New Life in Jesus (S)
- New Life in the Church-Student
- New Life in the Church-Teacher
- New Pocket Prayer Book Black Paper
- New Pocket Prayer Book Red Paper
- Office of the Typika
- Ordained for Men in the Things of God
- Orth Cath Instruction #2
- Orthodox Cath Inst #1
- Orthodox Catholic Instruction #2
- Orthodox Companion
- Orthodox Faith
- Our Father Among the Saints Raphael Bishop of Brooklyn, Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (hardcover)
- Our Father Among the Saints, Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn : Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (softcover)
- Playing it up for Christmas
- Poets and Hymnographers
- Reaching Out
- Restoring the Unity In Faith
- Scope and Sequence Chart
- Second Helpings #2
- Second Helpings #2
- Second Time Around
- Service Book of Chrismation
- Service Book of the Holy Orthodox Church (Hapgood)
- Service Book [Kassab]
- Service of St. Raphael CD
- Teaching the Parables of Jesus
- The Book of the Epistles
- The Divine Liturgy in Arabic softcover
- The Holy Hieromartyrs
- The Liturgikon 3rd Edition
- The Office of Holy Unction
- The Service of Supplication to Our Father Among the Saints Raphael
- The Truth
- Twenty Parables of Christ
- Vespers (Kazan)
- We Praise God
- We Worship God in Church (s)
- Western Rite Service Book
- What Would You Do?
- What's Love Got to do With It?
- Work of Salvation
- Bibles
- Biblical Studies
- Acts of the Apostles
- Apocalypse of St. John: A Revelation of Love and Power
- Christ in His Saints
- Christ in the Psalms
- Christian Old Testament
- Chronicles of History and Worship: Orthodox Christian Reflections on the Books of Chronicles
- Creation and the Patriarchal Histories: Orthodox Christian Reflections on the Book of Genesis
- First and Second Corinthians: Straight from the Heart
- God in New Testament Theology
- Gospel of John: Beholding The Glory
- Gospel of Matthew
- Long-Suffering Love: A Commentary on Hosea with Patristic Annotations
- Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies
- Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture
- Scripture Re-Envisioned
- Shepherding the Flock: The Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to Timothy and Titus
- The Epic of Eden
- The Epistle to the Hebrews
- The Epistle to the Romans: A Gospel for All
- The Gospel of Luke: Good News for the Poor
- The Gospel of Mark: The Suffering Servant
- The Love Chapter:The Meaning of First Corinthians 13
- The New Testament: An Orthodox Perspective
- The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition
- The Trial of Job: Orthodox Christian Reflections on the Book of Job
- The Whole Counsel of God
- Universal Truth: The Catholic Epistles of James, Peter, Jude, and John
- Words of Fire
- Books
- 6 Hours, 7 Lessons
- A Child's Guide to Confession
- A Child's Guide to Prayer
- A Child's Guide to the Divine Liturgy
- A Child's Guide to Vespers
- A Taste of Paradise: Stories of Saints and Animals
- Acts of the Apostles
- All is Well
- An Introduction to God: Encountering the Divine in Orthodox Christianity
- Ancient Church on New Shores P
- Apocalypse of St. John: A Revelation of Love and Power
- Augustine of Hippo: Selected Writings
- Augustine: A Very Short Introduction
- Barn & The Book
- Be Ready Mystery of Death
- Bearing God: The Life and Works of St. Ignatius of Antioch
- Bearing the Saint
- Beautiful Things Coloring Book
- Biblical & Liturgical Chart
- Blessed is the Kingdom: Reflections on the Divine Liturgy
- Blueprints For The Little Church
- Bread & Water, Wine & Oil
- Building An Orthodox Marriage
- Building An Orthodox Marriage Workbook
- Camp Service Book
- Children's Literature
- Christ in His Saints
- Christ in the Psalms
- Christian Faith & Same-Sex Attraction
- Christian Old Testament
- Christina Goes to the Holy Land
- Christmas Road Nativity Game
- Chronicles of History and Worship: Orthodox Christian Reflections on the Books of Chronicles
- Church Administration 2nd Ed
- Creation and the Patriarchal Histories: Orthodox Christian Reflections on the Book of Genesis
- Cross and the Stag
- Defeating Sin: Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever
- Do Not Judge
- Dynamics of Faith in the Local Parish
- Early Latin Theology
- Evening Worship in the Orthodox Church
- Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond our Shame
- Fasting
- Feed My Sheep
- Fertile Ground
- Festal Menaion - February
- Festal Menaion - March
- Festal Menaion - October
- First and Second Corinthians: Straight from the Heart
- First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty-Day Journey Through the Canon of St. Andrew
- First One Hundred Years
- Following a Sacred Path: Raising Godly Children
- Food Faith and Fasting
- For the Life of the World
- Friends of Christ April
- Friends of Christ August
- Friends of Christ December
- Friends of Christ July
- Friends of Christ June
- Friends of Christ May
- Friends of Christ November
- Friends of Christ October
- Friends of Christ September
- Friends of Christ-February
- Friends of Christ-January
- Friends of Christ-March
- Gifts of the Desert
- Giver of Life: The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Tradition
- Glorified in America
- God in New Testament Theology
- Goodnight Jesus (Boardbk)
- Gospel of John: Beholding The Glory
- Gospel of Matthew
- Great Lent: Journey to Pascha
- Healing of the Healers
- HealingYourWoundedSoul
- Hearing the Scriptures
- Help! I'm Bored in Church Entering Fully into Worship in the Divine Liturgy
- Holy Tradition
- Hospitality and Joy: Favorite Recipes and Cherished Memories Inspired by a Grandmother's Kitchen
- How God Became Jesus
- How to Read the Holy Fathers
- Hymn of Entry
- Hymns of Repentance
- I Pray Today (Boardbook)
- Icon Coloring Book-Old Testament
- Icon Coloring Book-The Miracles
- Icon: A Novel
- Illness & The Believer
- Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions: The Church AD 450-680
- In the Candle's Glow
- In the Eyes of Your Creator: Truly Valuing Yourself And Others
- Inner River
- Jesus Prayer: A Gift from the Fathers
- Journey to Simplicity: Arch Braga
- Journey to the Kingdom
- Lectures on the Christian Sacraments
- Lenten Lotto
- Long-Suffering Love: A Commentary on Hosea with Patristic Annotations
- Lost Saint
- Love Your Enemies
- Marriage and Virginity According to St. John Chrysostom
- Mary as the Early Christians Knew Her
- Meditations for Advent
- Meditations for Holy Week
- Meditations for Pascha
- Meet the Evangelists
- Memory Eternal
- Metropolitan PHILIP: His Life and His Dreams
- Mixed Marriage: An Orthodox History
- Mystery of Holy Baptism
- Mystical Marriage
- New Life in Jesus (S)
- Of Such is the Kingdom
- On the Ecclesiastical Mystagogy
- One Flesh: Salvation Through Marriage in the Orthodox Church
- Ordained for Men in the Things of God
- Orthodox Christianity V II
- Orthodox Study Bible AF Ed '19
- Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy (Rev)
- Our Father
- Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives
- Papa's Clock-Teacher
- Parenting Toward the Kingdom
- Patristic and Scholastic Theology
- Perfection of Women in Christ
- Pictures of God: A Childs Guide to Understanding Icons
- Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies
- Poets and Hymnographers
- Practical Handbook Priestly Ministry
- Preaching the Word of God
- Preparing for Confession
- Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture
- Reflections on the Field of a Local Parish
- Reflections on the Kingdom God
- Repentance & Confession
- Rock and Sand
- Rule of St Benedict in English
- Sacred Meals
- Sands of Salvation
- Scriptural Liturgical Books
- Scripture Re-Envisioned
- Second Helpings #2
- Sexuality Marriage & Celi
- Shepherding Sam
- Shepherding the Flock: The Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to Timothy and Titus
- Six Books On the Priesthood
- Springtime of the Liturgy
- Spyridon's Shoes
- Stubborn Love: St Maria of Paris
- Sweetness of Grace
- Tending the Garden Hearts: Daily Lenten Meditations For Families
- The Age of Division
- The Age of Nihilism
- The Age of Paradise
- The Age of Utopia
- The Book of Pastoral Rule
- The Church and Social Reform
- The Crucifixion of the King of Glory
- The Deification of Man
- The Epistle to the Hebrews
- The Epistle to the Romans: A Gospel for All
- The Evangelical Theology
- The Foundations of Bioethics 2nd Ed.
- The Fullness of Joy
- The Gospel of Luke: Good News for the Poor
- The Gospel of Mark: The Suffering Servant
- The Holy Hieromartyrs
- The Illumined Heart
- The Jesus Prayer: The Ancient Desert Prayer that Tunes the Heart to God
- The Life in Christ
- The Life of St Benedict by Gregory the Great
- The Lightkeeper: A Novel
- The Lion and the Saint
- The Love Chapter:The Meaning of First Corinthians 13
- The Ministry of the Church
- The Miracle of the Red Egg
- The Mountain of Silence: A Search for Orthodox Spirituality
- The Mystery of Love & Marriage
- The Organic Development of the Liturgy
- The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire
- The Orthodox Faith Vol. Four
- The Orthodox Faith Vol. One
- The Orthodox Faith Vol. Three
- The Orthodox Faith Vol. Two
- The Orthodox Pastor: A Guide to Pastoral Theology
- The Prayer of a Broken Heart
- The Sign of the Cross: the Gesture, the Mystery, the History
- The Soul After Death
- The Story of Jesus: A History and Theology of Christ
- The Theology of Illness
- The Trial of Job: Orthodox Christian Reflections on the Book of Job
- The Watchful Mind
- The Whole Counsel of God
- Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for All Walks of Life
- Thy Will Be Done
- Time And Despondency
- Touching Heaven: Discovering Orthodox Christianity on the Island of Valaam
- Turning the Heart to God
- Two Become One
- Typikon Decoded
- Universal Truth: The Catholic Epistles of James, Peter, Jude, and John
- Vice of Envy
- Victory in the Unseen Warfare
- Welcome to the Orthodox Church
- Welcoming Gifts: Sacrifice in the Bible and Christian Life
- What Do You Hear Angel
- When God Made You
- With What Zeal Hardcover
- Words for Our Time
- Catechism / What is Orthodoxy?
- An Introduction to God: Encountering the Divine in Orthodox Christianity
- Arise O God Gospel
- Ask for the Ancient Paths
- Blessed is the Kingdom: Reflections on the Divine Liturgy
- Bread & Water, Wine & Oil
- Catechism Orthodox Christian
- Journey to the Kingdom
- Living Faith
- Orthodox Christianity V2
- Orthodox Synthesis: The Unity of Theological Thought
- Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy (Rev)
- Rock and Sand
- The Illumined Heart
- The Sign of the Cross: the Gesture, the Mystery, the History
- Children
- 102 Orthodox Saints
- A Child's Guide to Confession
- A Child's Guide to Prayer
- A Child's Guide to the Divine Liturgy
- A Child's Guide to Vespers
- Barn & The Book
- Bearing the Saint
- Beautiful Things Coloring Book
- Christina Goes to the Holy Land
- Christmas Road Nativity Game
- Cross and the Stag
- Friends of Christ April
- Friends of Christ August
- Friends of Christ December
- Friends of Christ July
- Friends of Christ June
- Friends of Christ May
- Friends of Christ November
- Friends of Christ October
- Friends of Christ September
- Friends of Christ-February
- Friends of Christ-January
- Friends of Christ-March
- Goodnight Jesus (Boardbk)
- I Pray Today (Boardbook)
- Icon Coloring Book-Old Testament
- Icon: A Novel
- In the Candle's Glow
- Letters for Pilgrimage: Lenten Meditations
- Meet the Evangelists
- Meet the Evangelists (Christi)
- Mystery of the Holy Light
- Pictures of God: A Childs Guide to Understanding Icons
- Sands of Salvation
- Shepherding Sam
- Spyridon's Shoes
- Stubborn Love: St Maria of Paris
- The Broken Wheel
- The Fullness of Joy
- The Miracle of the Red Egg
- The Wisdom of Padre Juan
- What Do You Hear Angel
- When God Made You
- Christian Education
- A Child's Guide to Confession
- Baptism (Lazor)
- Biblical & Liturgical Chart
- Biggest Birthday Party
- Build Your Own Church
- Build Your Own Iconostasis
- Build Your Own: Bishop, Priest, & Deacon
- Children's Literature
- Divine Liturgy Flip Chart
- Earth is the Lord's
- First 800 Years
- Forty Saints (T)
- God is Calling You
- God Is With Us
- God, My Friends, and Me (P)
- Harvest of Antioch
- Heroes for Truth (S)
- Icon Book
- Icon Coloring Book-Old Testament
- Icon Coloring Book-The Miracles
- If We Confess Our Sins
- In The Beginning-Student
- In The Beginning-Teacher
- Lenten Lotto
- My Body, My Spirit
- My Lenten Journey
- New Apostles of Christ
- New Frontiers (T)
- New Life in Jesus (S)
- New Life in the Church-Student
- New Life in the Church-Teacher
- Papa's Clock-Teacher
- Playing it up for Christmas
- Poets and Hymnographers
- Scope and Sequence Chart
- Second Helpings #1
- Second Time Around
- Teaching the Parables of Jesus
- We Worship God in Church (s)
- What Would You Do?
- What's Love Got to do With It?
- Work of Salvation
- Pre-K
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- Supplemental Church School Materials
- Baptism (Lazor)
- Biblical & Liturgical Chart
- Biggest Birthday Party
- Divine Liturgy Flip Chart
- God is Calling You
- Icon Coloring Book-Old Testament
- Icon Coloring Book-The Miracles
- If We Confess Our Sins
- Lenten Lotto
- My Lenten Journey
- Playing it up for Christmas
- Scope and Sequence Chart
- Second Time Around
- Teaching the Parables of Jesus
- What's Love Got to do With It?
- Christmas, The Nativity of our Lord
- Church History
- Ancient Church on New Shores P
- Antioch Incarnational Theology
- Emigration from Syria and the Syrian-Lebanese Community of Worcester, MA
- First One Hundred Years
- Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions: The Church AD 450-680
- Metropolitan PHILIP: His Life and His Dreams
- Perfection of Women in Christ
- The Age of Division
- The Age of Nihilism
- The Age of Paradise
- The Age of Utopia
- The Ancient Church On New Shores: Antioch In North America
- The Church and Social Reform
- The Crucifixion of the King of Glory
- The Jesus We Missed
- The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire
- The Sign of the Cross: the Gesture, the Mystery, the History
- The Story of Jesus: A History and Theology of Christ
- With What Zeal Hardcover
- Contemporary Issues
- Cookbooks
- Fiction
- Heritage Museum Selections
- Iconography
- Joy Magazine
- Liturgy & Sacraments
- Baptism (Lazor)
- Divine Prayers and Services (Nassar)
- Hymn of Entry
- Journey to the Kingdom
- Our Father Among the Saints, Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn : Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (softcover)
- Scriptural Liturgical Books
- Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship
- Springtime of the Liturgy
- The Organic Development of the Liturgy
- Typikon Decoded
- Marriage & Family
- Blueprints For The Little Church
- Building An Orthodox Marriage
- Building An Orthodox Marriage Workbook
- Fertile Ground
- Following a Sacred Path: Raising Godly Children
- Food Faith and Fasting
- Glory and Honor
- Help! I'm Bored in Church Entering Fully into Worship in the Divine Liturgy
- Marriage and Virginity According to St. John Chrysostom
- Of Such is the Kingdom
- One Flesh: Salvation Through Marriage in the Orthodox Church
- Parenting Toward the Kingdom
- The Ascetic Lives of Mothers: A Prayer Book
- The Mystery of Love & Marriage
- The Sacrament of Love
- Two Become One
- Under the Laurel Tree
- Music CDs
- Pastor's Corner
- Church Administration 2nd Ed
- Dynamics of Faith in the Local Parish
- Healing of the Healers
- Practical Handbook Priestly Ministry
- Reclaiming the Great Commission: A Roadmap to Parish Health
- Reflections on the Field of a Local Parish
- Reflections on the Kingdom God
- Scriptural Liturgical Books
- Shepherding the Flock: The Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to Timothy and Titus
- Six Books On the Priesthood
- The Orthodox Pastor: A Guide to Pastoral Theology
- Thy Will Be Done
- Pectoral Crosses
- Saints and Biographies
- Bearing God: The Life and Works of St. Ignatius of Antioch
- Become All Flame
- Christ in His Saints
- Feed My Sheep
- Glorified in America
- Mary as the Early Christians Knew Her
- Ordained for Men in the Things of God
- Our Father Among the Saints Raphael Bishop of Brooklyn, Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (hardcover)
- Our Father Among the Saints, Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn : Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (softcover)
- Stubborn Love: St Maria of Paris
- The Holy Hieromartyrs
- Words for Our Time
- Service Books
- 10 Archdiocesan Service Books for Priest and Deacon
- 10 Copies of Little Compline and Akathist Hymn (Text Only)
- 10 Copies of The Office of Holy Unction
- 6 Archdiocesan Service Books for Priest and Deacon
- A Child's Guide to the Divine Liturgy
- Altar Boys Gd to Serving Divin
- Archdiocesan Service Book for Priest and Deacon
- Baptism (Lazor)
- Camp Service Book
- Divine Liturgy 2024 Paperback (English)
- Divine Prayers and Services (Nassar)
- Funeral Service Book
- Little Compline With Akathist Hymn (Text Only)
- Little Compline with the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos
- Liturgikon 4th Edition: New Printing
- New Pocket Prayer Book Black Paper
- New Pocket Prayer Book Red Paper
- Office of the Typika
- Our Father Among the Saints Raphael Bishop of Brooklyn, Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (hardcover)
- Our Father Among the Saints, Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn : Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (softcover)
- Services of Initiation
- The Book of the Epistles
- The Divine Liturgy in Arabic softcover
- The Liturgikon 3rd Edition
- The Office of Holy Unction
- The Service of Supplication to Our Father Among the Saints Raphael
- Western Rite Service Book
- Spiritual Life
- Ask for the Ancient Paths
- Blessed is the Kingdom: Reflections on the Divine Liturgy
- Bread & Water, Wine & Oil
- Christ in His Saints
- Defeating Sin: Overcoming Our Passions and Changing Forever
- First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty-Day Journey Through the Canon of St. Andrew
- Giver of Life: The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Tradition
- Hear Me 3rd Ed
- How to be a Sinner
- Illness & The Believer
- In the Eyes of Your Creator: Truly Valuing Yourself And Others
- Inner River
- Jesus Prayer: A Gift from the Fathers
- Lenten Spring
- Living According to God's Will
- Meditations for Advent
- Meditations for Great Lent
- Meditations for Pascha
- Mystery of Holy Baptism
- Mystical Marriage
- New Pocket Prayer Book Red Paper
- Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives
- Pilgrimage to Pascha
- Preparing for Confession
- Reclaiming the Great Commission: A Roadmap to Parish Health
- Sweetness of Grace
- Tending the Garden Hearts: Daily Lenten Meditations For Families
- The Illumined Heart
- The Jesus Prayer: The Ancient Desert Prayer that Tunes the Heart to God
- The Mountain of Silence: A Search for Orthodox Spirituality
- The Sign of the Cross: the Gesture, the Mystery, the History
- Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for All Walks of Life
- Time And Despondency
- Touching Heaven: Discovering Orthodox Christianity on the Island of Valaam
- Turning the Heart to God
- Victory in the Unseen Warfare
- When You Fast
- When You Give
- When You Pray: A Practical Guide to an Orthodox Life of Prayer
- Words for Our Time
- Theology
- An Introduction to God: Encountering the Divine in Orthodox Christianity
- Be Ready Mystery of Death
- Do Not Judge
- Early Latin Theology
- For the Life of the World
- Giver of Life: The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Tradition
- Hearing the Scriptures
- Holy Tradition
- Lectures on the Christian Sacraments
- Love Your Enemies
- On the Ecclesiastical Mystagogy
- Orthodox Synthesis: The Unity of Theological Thought
- Patristic and Scholastic Theology
- Repentance & Confession
- The Deification of Man
- The Evangelical Theology
- The New Testament: An Orthodox Perspective
- The Old Testament in Eastern Orthodox Tradition
- The Theology of Illness
- Vice of Envy
- Western Rite