Scriptural Liturgical Books

Scriptural Liturgical Books

Scriptural Liturgical Books
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SKU 9789953452883
Weight 1.60 lbs


"The liturgical services and rituals of the Holy Orthodox Church express the Gospel, indeed, the whole Bible, in prayer, a therapy toward forgiveness of sins, ascetical endeavor, holy illumination, and a return to Paradise. The holy Tradition, the Scriptures and the unwritten, is expressed in the prayer of the Church. Various liturgical books contain these Scriptures and prayers along with the unwritten tradition: rubrics govern their execution. Ignorance of this contributes to liturgical chaos and confusion. The clergy must have full command of our sacred texts and rubrics effectively to lead the faithful in common prayer. And the faithful ought to grasp what is being said. But mere rubrical mastery is not enough for the liturgist. We all, clergy and laity, must ascend to a higher level of prayer, expressed in an awareness of the interior and spiritual movements in our common worship... Frs Michel and Patrick have labored using all of the ancient and modern languages of our liturgical and scholarly heritage in producing this fine work. With remarkable clarity and precise and well-grounded scholarship, the authors have made the material graphically accessible and useful for all serious readers, clergymen, scholars, and pious laity... We recommend this book as a filling a long-standing need in our Orthodox Christian liturgical education - St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, Balamand"
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