Pilgrimage to Pascha
This unpretentious little book of meditations based on Scripture, ancient hymns, and writings from Church Fathers will nourish the souls of reflective seekers during the forty-day period of Great Lent. Authors of each meditation have delved deeply into the sins and shortcomings of their own hearts, enabling readers to share in a collective human experience - from darkness to light, from despair to hope, and from isolation to commonality in the body of Christ - as they move steadily toward our Lord’s Resurrection.
About the Author: Archpriest Steven John Belonick was Valedictorian of the Class of 1977 at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, NY. Throughout his 40-year pastorate as a priest in the Orthodox Church in America he served three parishes and also served as Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Chaplain at the seminary. His favorite Bible passage, John 21:15-17 - in which the Lord instructs his disciple Peter to “feed My sheep” - often strengthened him in his ministry, and it also inspired his guiding principle: “Above all, a pastor must communicate God’s love to His sheep.” Father Steven reposed in the Lord August 7, 2019. Memory Eternal!
Springtime of the Liturgy
Ordained for Men in the Things of God
Christina Goes to the Holy Land
Meditations for Great Lent
Touching Heaven: Discovering Orthodox Christianity on the Island of Valaam
Vespers (Kazan)
Six Books On the Priesthood
Christmas Road Nativity Game
A Life Testimony (English)
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