Books Icon: A Novel

Icon: A Novel

Icon: A Novel
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SKU 9781944967192
Weight 0.50 lbs


Forget your old name. Forget your parents. These are the things Euphrosyne’s grandparents and counselor tell her. But if Orthodox Christianity is a lie, why did the icon so dramatically save her life? And what can she do to get the icon back?

In a post-Christian America, where going to church, praying, or owning holy things means death, a twelve-year-old girl searches for the truth. Finding it may cost her everything.
In The Beginning-Student
Service of St. Raphael CD
Orth Cath Instruction #2
Vespers (Kazan)
Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom CD
Mystical Marriage
Orthodox Christianity V II
The Age of Nihilism
Living Faith