Christ in the Psalms
Patrick Henry Reardon
A classic on the Psalms, this highly inspirational book of meditations on the Psalms by one of the most insightful and challenging Orthodox writers of our day. Avoiding both syruppy sentimentality and arid scholasticism, Christ in the Psalms takes the reader on a thought-provoking and enlightening pilgrimage through this beloved "Prayer Book" of the Church. Lively, and highly devotional, this book sheds a world of insight upon the beloved Scriptures, the world of the Early Church, and of the Apostles themselves, who constantly used and referred to the Psalms in their own writings.
About the Author: Patrick Henry Reardon is pastor of All Saints' Orthodox Church in Chicago, Illinois, and a senior editor of Touchstone. He is the author of Christ in His Saints, The Trial of Job, Creation and the Patriarchal Histories, as well as more than 500 articles, editorials, and reviews, published in Books and Culture, Touchstone, The Scottish Journal of Theology, The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Pro Ecclesia, St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, and other journals on three continents.
304 pages
Published 2000
size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 1.0"
ISBN: 1-888212-21-7
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