Church History First One Hundred Years

First One Hundred Years

First One Hundred Years
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SKU 0962419028
Weight 1.40 lbs


With great courage, thousands of men and women left their homes in the Middle East an challenged the unknown. Those who arrived on North American shores brought with them the riches of their Arabic culture and their Orthodox faith. This volume, prepared in celebration of the one hundred year anniversary of Antiochian Orthodoxy in North America, stands as a testimony to the legacy these pilgrims left to their children and grandchildren, to their church and to North American culture - a legacy enriched in its own turn by the two thousand years since "the Disciples were call Christians first in Antioch!" The twelve scholars who contributed their talents to this volume are each renown in their fields and were selected to participate in this anthology because of their specific expertise in the varied topics included here. Their words preserve for all generations the stories of those who have given so much for the civilization we now enjoy.
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