Broken Promises and White House Meetings

Broken Promises and White House Meetings

Broken Promises and White House Meetings
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SKU 9780984589616
Weight 1.50 lbs
Market price: $25.00, Save $20.00
Save 80%


From the Book:

"In part one of this book , Dr. Najib Saliba factually portrays the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict in an eloquent and easy way to understand for both novices wishing to learn about the intricacies of the dispute as well as people who already have a basic knowledge of the region and its politics.
In Part two, we turn to the impressions of our late archbishop, Metropolitan Philip Saliba, who shepherded our archdiocese from 1966 until his death in March of 2014. The metropolitan wanted to leave the readers with lasting impressions of his many visits with the various presidents of the United States during his 48 year tenure as the primate of the (Antiochian) archdiocese."
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