Liturgy & Sacraments Our Father Among the Saints, Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn : Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (softcover)

Our Father Among the Saints, Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn : Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (softcover)

Our Father Among the Saints, Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn : Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America (softcover)
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SKU 0962419036
Weight 0.50 lbs
Market price: $12.00, Save $6.00
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Bishop Raphael (Hawaweeny) (1860-1915) served the American Syrian community during the early years of Orthodoxy in America. Tireless in his efforts to minister to his flock in North America, Canada and even Mexico, Bishop Raphael dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel and establishing Syrian Orthodox congregations throughout North America. Bishop Raphael was canonized St Raphael of Brooklyn in 2000. This book provides a brief biography of St Raphael as well as the hymns for Vespers, Orthros and Liturgy for his commemoration. Includes a musical supplement set in simple chant.

153 pages
Published 2000
size: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.5"
ISBN: 0962419036

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