Saints and Biographies Ordained for Men in the Things of God

Ordained for Men in the Things of God

Ordained for Men in the Things of God
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SKU 9781888212853
Weight 2.30 lbs
Market price: $24.00, Save $23.00
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Edited by Joseph Allen and Joseph Antypas

A Commemorative Collection on the 40th Anniversary of Metropolitan PHILIP

295 pages
Hard cover
Published 2006
size: 9.25 x 9.25 x 1"
ISBN: 1-888212-85-3
Our Father Among the Saints, Raphael, Bishop of Brooklyn : Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America
Biggest Birthday Party
If We Confess Our Sins
My Lenten Journey
Ancient Church on New Shores P
Antioch Incarnational Theology
Teaching the Parables of Jesus
Forty Saints (T)
New Pocket Prayer Book Red Paper

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