Dynamics of Faith in the Local
Dynamics of Faith in the Local Parish is a new book that is written by Archpriest Joseph Antypas, Pastor of St. George Orthodox Church in Troy, Michigan. This book is the third volume of a series of pastoral ministry reflections written by the author. Dynamics of Faith in the Local Parish presents the readers with reflections that address the various ecclesiastical, pastoral, and faith issues that most people and parishes encounter.
The short yet informative reflections in the book take three directions in addressing the Orthodox faith:
1. The relation between man and God, and the way we should grow this relationship.
2. The relation between man and the Church, and the dynamics of how to strengthen and nurture it.
3. The relation between man and man, with guidelines on how to make our relationships a reflection of our relationship with God and the Church.
The beauty of this book in particular, and the entire series written by the Very Reverend Joseph Antypas, is that the reader can learn from these short essays without having to sift through numerous pages to read or spend countless hours in order to come up with a helpful, thoughtful and practical idea on each topic.
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