Church History The Age of Division

The Age of Division

The Age of Division
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SKU 9781944967864
Weight 0.99 lbs


Item No. 9781944967864

by John Strickland

The Age of Division: Christendom from the Great Schism to the Protestant Reformation - Paradise and Utopia: The Rise and Fall of What the West Once Was, VOLUME TWO (of the four-volume history of Christendom)

If you have ever wondered exactly how we got from the Christian society of the early centuries, united in its faithfulness to apostolic tradition, to the fragmented and secular state of the West today, The Age of Division will answer all your questions and more. In this second of a four-volume cultural history of Christendom, author John Strickland applies insights from the Orthodox Church to trace the decline and disintegration of both East and West after the momentous but often neglected Great Schism. For five centuries, a divided Christendom was led further and further from the culture of paradise that defined its first millennium, resulting in the Protestant Reformation and the secularization that defines our society today.
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